In Their Words
What parents say about The Admissions Formula
There is a perfect fit for everyone
"Hi, my name is Jolene and my son is just wrapping up his sophomore year of high school. Before the admissions formula, I felt clueless about the entire College selection and admission process. I was especially concerned because my son is an average student who doesn't really enjoy school that much, and he is not really a good fit for advanced placement classes. I was really worried that we wouldn't be able to find a college for him, but through The Admissions Formula. And Lisa, I learned that there is a perfect fit for everyone. I feel much more confident and hopeful that we will find the perfect place for my son and a place where he can fit in and Thrive. Thanks so much Lisa. It's been great."

Yen W.
"I took Lisa’s advice from TAF… and my daughter… got into her top choice engineering school out of state."

Sara Y.
"100% the time and money!... Nice work are doing great work in the world!"

Nicki N.
"LOVED TAF! So glad I signed up... Thanks, Lisa, for being our guide, and for instilling such a sense of CALM!"
Amy P.
"Before TAF, I felt that colleges have all the power to decide whether or not my child gets in. Now I feel that it's more of a matching process and that, with research, we can find colleges that will be a great fit for my child's individual academic interests and qualifications, that meet our financial needs with various levels of selectivity and be assured he will find a place where he will thrive."
Christie B.
"Thank you Lisa! I have learned TONS during this course and I’m leaving feeling much more confident about the entire process versus where I was 10 weeks ago! Thank you for taking the stress level down a notch - I knew I needed to educate myself in order to lessen my worry... and this course checked that box! âś… Thanks Again! And best of luck to everyone, as we all continue to help guide our kiddos!"
What I feel now is prepared
"Not only did I get what I needed out of it for preparing for highschool but I feel like I've got the tools to get through the next 4 years. And them some to really help her and we as a family really feel solid about what matters to us so that we can make decisions from a really good place. And that we will be able to help guide her as she makes her decisions."

"TAF has been so helpful and eye-opening for our family. As the parents of an 8th grader, we learned about how to be an advocate for him and how to plan his high school classes and activities so he is prepared as an upperclassmen. As the parents of a Junior, we have learned so much about class selection, how to research schools, and how to make a list of schools. But most importantly we figured out HOW to talk to our daughter about this process, how to get her engaged and excited, and how to find what she is really looking for in a college."
- Carrie P.
Parents share their stories...
Gwen L.
"Lest you think TAF is weighted more for the heart than the head, be assured that Lisa also equips you with insider information, practical next-steps, and college research do's-and-don't's. In the end, my daughter and I came away from this course armed with everything we need to complete her high school career with more intentionality (and less pressure!), and set her on a path toward her future that is once-again exciting and joyful. Priceless, y'all."
Sandra P.
"With TAF, I felt like I had inside access to the world of college admissions. The comprehensive modules made it easy to pace myself. In between, Lisa sprinkled in live sessions which allowed me to ask questions in real time - SO important in this ever changing environment. If you have college bound teens and want to keep your sanity during the process, this investment is totally worth the price of admission."

Karen L.
"You’ve demystified the process and made it soooo much less stressful!!"