Want to feel 100% confident that your teen is going to pick the right fit college?
Grab your seat for this exclusive student/parent workshop!
The Hunt For The Perfect College is an interactive, on-demand workshop for you & your teen.
The personalized results of this workshop will calmly guide all of your college selection conversations AND get your teen fired up to find & choose the best fit.
ENROLL TODAY!If you’re like most parents...
you don’t know where to start when it comes to helping your teen pick the right colleges.Â
Or, you're now stuck trying to help your teen make their final college selections!

I get it. The struggle is real!

You’re about to make a huge investment (I mean thousands of dollars!) in your teen’s college future and you want to do it right!

You want your teen to land at a place where you KNOW with certainty they’re going to thrive.

There are SO many options and it’s stressful to narrow it all down to where to apply & which one to finally accept.
Here’s The Secret To Crushing The Confusion
& Making Confident College Decisions

Choosing the right fit college begins & ends with identifying the 5 non-negotiable factors that matter MOST to YOUR TEEN and FAMILY!Â
That's what we DO in The Hunt For The Perfect College Workshop!

This Hunt for the Perfect College will relieve so much of your current stress and worry about the college search and final selection process.

The Hunt For The Perfect College is only for college bound teens & parents who want to:
- Feel confident making the final college selection
- Figure out how to expand or narrow down a college list
- Actually enjoy the entire college search & selection process
- Get your teen to open up & articulate exactly what he or she is thinking
- STOP feeling so confused about what is most important when identifying the "best fit"
- Engage your teen in a meaningful, low-pressure college conversation to get them fired up and engaged in this process
- KNOW with 100% certainty that your teen will land at a college where he or she will THRIVE
The Hunt For The Perfect College!
This fabulous workshop will help your teen figure out FAST what they want & need in their college experience!
Together during the hands-on workshop, you’ll sort through the 75+ factors that MUST go into your teen’s college search, so they end up with…
- The 5 non-negotiable factors that will guide your entire college search & selection process
- Massive awareness of what colleges even offer
- Confidence that your family is picking the right colleges that perfectly FIT your teen's interests, aptitudes, and goals
- A way to choose colleges that align with your family's priorities and parameters
- The only blueprint you need to design a well-rounded, ideally matched college list

What's the cost?

Get immediate access to the workshop recording materials NOW!

What's the benefit of The Hunt On-Demand Workshop?

Parents Love The Clarity & Conversation That Come From The Hunt Workshop

Here’s How The Hunt For The Perfect College Works To Help You & Your Teen Pick Their Best Fit Colleges
Note: Student and parent MUST attend TOGETHER.

Select a time to complete the workshop that works for both you & your teen.

Log-in to your password-protected online classroom on your chosen date.

Lisa McLaughlin will guide you and your teen through a highly engaging, thought-provoking and (FUN!) 90 minute activity.

Leave this workshop KNOWING the 5 Non-Negotiable Factors that should guide your teen's individual college search & help them to make a confident final pick!
The Hunt Sets The Stage For Every College Decision

Here’s what you need to know.
After more than 2 decades working in college admission, I left the rat race.
What I was being asked to do was WAY out of alignment with my values.
I saw what the process often did to families.
I saw the pressure it was putting on our teen's mental health. Pushing them to rack up more credentials in their 17 years than most of us have as adults. (Am I right?!)
And I felt like my role was adding to the mania that has become college admissions (Gulp).
And I hated that. So I left.

Now, as the founder and CEO of The Admissions Formula, I lead with my values & do the right thing.
For me. (That means dishing out the raw truth every single day with a whole lot of candour & a big dose of compassion.)
For the 1000s of families with whom I’ve worked (that means helping their teens find and get accepted to their perfect fit colleges without drowning in pressure or stress. R-E-L-I-E-F!)
For my own college freshman (that means I actually used the strategies I teach on my own kid! And guess what? They worked!)
…and they will for you, too, but only if you join me for The Hunt For The Perfect College Workshop!