The Admissions Formula
Doors Are Now Closed!
The Admissions Formula (TAF)
Let's create your teen’s perfect path to college without all the stress and worry!
The most comprehensive, on-trend 10-week college admissions program for PARENTS of 8th-11th graders.
The Admissions Formula is a goldmine of my absolute best college admissions practices that I've personally used with students & parents over the last 30 years!
This program will completely transform your teen's entire college admissions process.
You're going to be the calmest, most empowered mom or dad in the room!
I'M READY! LET'S DO THIS, LISA! ➡Let’s Cut To The Chase, Shall We?
Here’s the straight up truth: we have a problem right now in college admission.
A major lack of transparency.
And because of it, an entire industry has been created to completely freak parents (and students) out. Yuck!
As a parent of a teenager, I see & hear the same anxiety-provoking messages you do.
So, let me be clear.
That's not what I'm about.
My goal is simple: I want you to create a positive & healthy college admissions experience with your teen.
And I'm dead set on making sure y'all know this.
I see you, friends. You deserve better.
If you want to engage your teen in a meaningful, mindful college admissions process, The Admissions Formula is the only program of its kind.
It changes everything.
Before I tell you all about this program, let’s talk about who it's really for…

First of all, if you’re a parent of a college bound teen in grades 8-11, you’re in the right place.
I see you, friends.
30 years in college admission have taught me much. And over the last almost three decades I’ve worked with every type of student & parent you can imagine.
- You’ve heard all the horror stories and really don’t want to screw up this whole college admissions thing.
- You want this process to actually bring you closer to your teen before they fly the coop. (gulp!)
- You’re starting to feel overwhelmed with the growing list of college admissions to-dos.
- Or you’re not even sure where to begin or place your focus.
- You don’t want to add unnecessary stress on your teenager!
- But, you feel like you’re already behind.
- Like your teen isn’t doing enough.
- You’ve been searching for tips and tricks, strategies and advice on Google or in FREE Facebook Groups.
- And now you’re even more confused because you’re getting a ton of mixed messages.
- You’re worried you’re going to make a mistake or miss very important deadlines.
- And then, there’s the big elephant in the room–how much this college thing will COST!
- You aren’t sure how to find colleges that meet your financial needs & you want your teen to have great college options…affordable ones!
Like I said, I see you. And you're in the right place.
JOIN THE WAITLIST! ➡Your teen deserves a personalized college admissions strategy that aligns with your family's values. That's what we create TOGETHER in The Admissions Formula.
By the end of this program you will…

Analyze your teen's HS transcript like a college admissions officer. Select the right high school courses for every subject area, every year.

Identify red flags that you may not realize even exist so your teen can avoid the mistakes in the first place or know how to explain them to colleges.

Help your teen develop an extracurricular edge! Forget the ridiculous passion projects. Discover how to authentically help your teen identify interests.

Design a personalized SAT/ACT/AP/IB testing plan and know everything you need to know about “test optional” admission!

Add colleges to your teen's list with confidence.
I'll teach you how to use the exact research tools I use to build expert, personalized, good fit, college lists! Say goodbye to crappy college search engines!

Understand how selective colleges will evaluate your teen’s application & know without a doubt what matters most! Let’s help your teen stand out!
Be the most empowered, CALM parent in the room! Join the 1000+ parents who KNOW how to confidently guide their teens through the college admissions process!

But above all else...
The Admissions Formula will completely change your perspective about the entire college admission process.
You’re going to feel incredibly more at ease and insanely empowered to make the best decisions for and with your teen.
What do parents say about The Admissions Formula?
I've got the tools I need for the next 4 years and then some!
We, as a family, really feel solid now about what matters to us so that we can make decisions from a really good place.
– Ginna from Boulder, Colorado
Success Stories
Here’s what you get in The Admissions Formula

12 Months of Access to The Admissions Formula Online Course

65 Engaging Video Lessons within 5 Modules (Press play & pause on your schedule!)

10 weeks of personalized support from Lisa in a private, exclusive Facebook Community

3 Personalized Group Coaching Q&A Sessions with Lisa McLaughlin

The Admissions Formula Workbook

Peace of Mind!
Nice to meet you.
In August of 2018, I locked myself in a hotel room with a mission. At 44 years old, after more than two decades working in college admission, I was almost ready to throw in the towel.
I talk to myself a lot. And that day was no different.
"Lisa, you're not leaving here until you figure out what's next for this college admissions business you started in 2004."
I had one focused question on my mind and was determined to get to the bottom of it:
"What would make me excited about college admissions work again?"
You see, in 2017, I took a little break from my entrepreneurial endeavors and went corporate.
I was recruited for a high-level position in what I thought was a very stable, growing, and intellectually stimulating role as the Executive Director of College Admission for a very well known, nationally recognized college admissions & test prep company.
I went into that job with passion and major excitement!
I traveled extensively. I trained college admissions counselors. I created new products. I did market research. I engaged in the highest levels of professional development.
I was able to travel back and forth from Southern California to the incredibly fun city of Austin, Texas.
But, there was a major problem.
What I was being asked to do was WAY out of alignment with my values.
I truly felt like my role was adding to the mania that has become college admissions.
And I hated it.
So I left (and there's, of course, more to that story, but you get the gist).
And I had some big choices to make.
Go back to working full time 1:1 with students on college applications OR create something NEW?

I was scared.
A newly single mom.
I had the weight of the world on my shoulders parenting two little girls (ages 13 and 6 at the time).
But I knew something needed to change.
I wanted to feel re-inspired.
I wanted to inspire others.
I wanted my girls to see their mom do something she LOVED.
And I deeply desired for work that would make a HUGE impact.
So, I got to work.
I loaded up hundreds of manila folders of curriculum into cardboard boxes, downloaded files, packed an overnight bag, and locked myself in a hotel room.
Three days and hundreds of pages of notes later, I figured it out.
You see, for 30 years, as a college admissions strategist, I have witnessed what this process often does to so many families.
I’ve seen it completely debilitate students’ self esteem.
I’ve seen it in the high schools where I counseled thousands of students.
I’ve seen it as a consultant where I trained dozens of high school counselors.
And I’ve seen it in my own community as the parent of a high school student.
And I knew there was a better way.
A better way to reach MORE people.
A better way to calm it all down.
And I had to start with changing the hearts and minds of PARENTS.
Which brings me to you.
When I looked back at the work that lit me up over the years, it was working with parents of teenagers. Now, most college counselors will tell you that it's the hardest, most unliked part of their job. NOT ME!
Parent education is SO my jam.
I wanted to arm parents with everything they needed in order to create the most positive & healthy college admissions experience for their teens. I wanted to turn parents into college admissions experts!
That, my friends, is how The Admissions Formula (TAF) was born.
I spent the latter part of 2018 putting my decades of college admissions expertise into building it. (I still think I should have called it the UNformula, but that's not really a word and I digress..)
It’s now five years later and I am humbled that more than one thousand parents have put their trust in me & this program...
In doing so, their perspective about college admission has completely changed.
They are calm.
They are confident.
They have a clear personalized admissions blueprint so they know exactly where to start or what to do next.
They are helping their teens to design the path to college that is best for them.
And the results are incredible.
1000+ parents now have a completely different perspective about this whole college admissions thing–
They KNOW there is a path for their teen and it's going to work out NO MATTER WHAT.
So I’m on a mission to do the same for you.
We’ve crossed paths for a reason & now it’s your turn to take the leap.
I’m grateful for every parent I meet.
Thank YOU for re-invigorating my LOVE of my vocation.
Thank you for providing me this opportunity to be 100% in tune with my values doing what I LOVE.
The Admissions Formula is going to change your life.
You’re going to feel incredibly more at ease and insanely empowered to make the best decisions for and with your teen.
Hope to see you on the other side.
With deep gratitude,

Lisa McLaughlin, M.Ed.
The Admissions Formula